AAH Statement on the EPA/TCEQ’s Rejection of NASA’s Help Post-Hurricane Harvey

Statement of Bakeyah Nelson, Air Alliance Houston Executive Director – March 5, 2019

“The TCEQ and EPA have failed every single person in our region, but particularly communities of color and low-wealth that live closest to the facilities that were damaged and caused millions of pounds of harmful air pollution to be released during Harvey. This decision is yet another tragic example of these agencies failing to prioritize people over industry and continuing the legacy of environmental injustice. These decisions fuel the production of health inequities and contribute to the vast differences in life expectancy between communities in the Houston region.”

  • Bakeyah Nelson, Air Alliance Houston Executive Director


Air Alliance Houston (AAH) is the leading air quality non-profit organization for the Houston region. AAH believes that everyone has a right to breathe clean air and where you live, work, learn, and play should not determine your health. Through applied research, education, and advocacy, AAH works to deliver clean air for a healthier future in Houston.

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