Media Advisory: Monday Town Hall on Project 11 Ship Channel Expansion

The latest expansion of the Houston Ship Channel raises past and new concerns for public health and the environment

For Immediate Release
July 7, 2023

Riikka Pohjankoski,, 713.589.7079
José Medina,, 512.804.8061

The Healthy Port Communities Coalition (HPCC) will host a town hall event this Monday (July 10) focusing on the latest expansion of the Houston Ship Channel, officially known as Project 11.

Project 11 worries the communities neighboring the Channel and those advocating for public health and the environment. One of the main concerns is what will happen to the dredged materials – also known as spoils – once they are taken from the Channel floor as the Channel is widened and deepened. Similar past projects have resulted in toxic spoils dumped in Port communities with insufficient safeguards to protect people and property. New third-party soil testing near planned spoil sites suggests there are already health risks and that more testing is needed before the new dredging begins.

The Port Authority is working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to complete the expansion. Port Houston and USACE have yet to make firm commitments to take safety precautions requested by residents, including continuous testing of the spoils and proper placement and containment of the materials.

HPCC will host this town hall to inform communities about the expansion and its potential impacts on residents.

Representatives of Port Houston, Lone Star Legal Aid, HPCC, and community members will be in attendance.

Who: Healthy Port Communities Coalition (HPCC) and residents of Port communities

What: Project 11 Town Hall

Where: Judson Robinson Senior Community Center, 1422 Ledwicke Street, Houston, TX 77029

When: Monday, July 10, 2023, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Why: To discuss and share concerns and information related to the latest expansion of the Houston Ship Channel and how it could impact the health and safety of the communities that neighbor the Channel.

Additional information: Spanish interpretation will be provided. Child care provided for all ages. Light food and beverage will be served.


The Healthy Port Communities Coalition (HPCC) is a coalition of nonprofit, community-driven organizations that work to create a healthier Houston by empowering residents to recognize local issues and advocate for their communities. Coalition members include Achieving Community Tasks Successfully, Air Alliance Houston, Bayou City Waterkeeper, Coalition of Community Organizations, East Harris County Empowerment Council, Environmental Community Advocates of Galena Park, Healthy Gulf, Public Citizen and Texas Health and Environment Alliance.

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