METRO emphasizes climate action and equitable transit

On Tuesday, April 19, Our Government Relations and Community Outreach Director Leticia Gutierrez attended TAG (Transportation Advocacy Group) Houston’s luncheon featuring METRO Houston’s newly appointed Chair Sanjay Ramabhadran.

Mr. Ramabhadran shared what’s next for METRO in view of growing traffic concerns as car travel in our region has exceeded pre-pandemic levels.

Pictured: METRO Houston Chair Sanjay Ramabhadran

Mr. Ramabhadran highlighted how everyone in our region should have a choice in how they get around. We should be especially thinking about the younger generation who is much less interested in driving and how some are having to turn down jobs and university placements due to transportation barriers. “We have to do better,” he said.

We were glad to learn that METRO plans to prioritize all transit users to help connect everyone to opportunities and were also encouraged by their new climate commitments, which include the purchase of more electric buses.

Air Alliance Houston looks forward to supporting METRO in pushing for real transportation solutions over adding more freeway lanes in order to build a more connected, equitable, and healthier region where everyone can thrive.

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