New Committee members wanted!

We are seeking passionate volunteers to join our recently formed Air Quality Advocates Committee in order to strengthen our capacity to help Houstonians breathe more easily.

Downtown group at AAH’s Sampling the City Air Quality Awareness and Social Ride, Dec. 5, 2020.
Organized with the Air Quality Advocates Committee.

The Air Quality Advocates Committee’s mission is to educate Houstonians, empower communities, and mobilize advocates to influence public policies that improve our air quality.

“There’s still a lot for me to learn in this area,” committee member Anitha Muthuvalliappan shares, “but the ‘Sampling the City’ air monitoring/bike riding event in December last year was a great opportunity to get more informed as a supportive arm for the larger group.”

“I’m interested in climate change issues and what the future of Houston will look like,” says committee chairwoman, Elena White. “I work in disaster recovery efforts and we have to approach these issues on all fronts. Will you join us?”

  • Would you like to meet other like-minded individuals who are also inspired by Air Alliance Houston’s belief  that everyone has a right to breathe clean air and that where you live, work, learn and play should not determine your health?
  • Would you like to gain nonprofit board or committee experience?
  • Do you have skills/expertise (community outreach, accounting, communications, etc.) that you’d like to contribute to further the cause of clean air and environmental justice?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, we’d love to tell you more about our Air Quality Advocates Committee ahead of our 2nd “Sampling the City” event coming up in June.

Please send your resume along with a brief email about your interest in the “Air Quality Advocates Committee”  to [email protected] and we will be back in touch with you promptly to start the conversation!

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