Communication from AAH regarding COVID-19

Dear Friends,

As we head into the week with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continuing its rapid spread both globally and locally, we want to provide you with some information about how we at Air Alliance Houston are adapting and responding to the pandemic.

We are closely following the findings and guidance of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and taking the necessary precautions to help protect public health and limit the spread of the virus.

More specifically:

  • Our staff are working remotely and have suspended all non-critical travel to increase social distancing in an effort to flatten the curve of the epidemic.
  • In accordance with the CDC guidance, we will be canceling all of our events until further notice, including the upcoming Clean Air Soiréeon 04/23 and the Health & Highways event on 04/22. The health and well-being of our fellow Houstonians and out-of-town guests is our number one priority.

We want you to know that while we may not be able to meet with you in person, our work continues. The collective fight for a healthy and just future for all Houstonians is now as important as ever. We encourage you to keep following us online through our website, FacebookTwitter, or Instagram to remain connected.

Please stay safe and take care of each other during this uncertain and unsettling time. We advise that you refer to the CDCHouston Health Department, and Harris County Public Health for the latest updates and best practices on how to take precautions to protect yourself, your family, and our communities.

Air Alliance Houston

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