Dec. 7: New Report Finds Increased Mortality and Hospitalizations Linked to Industrial Air Pollution in Harris County

Experts present strategies to mitigate health impact in affected communities

Contact: Riikka Pohjankoski,, 713.589.7079

WHAT: Air Alliance Houston will reveal findings and a comprehensive report on a recent study of air pollution impacts on health during a webinar on Thursday, December 7, from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM. The report delves into emissions of common air pollutants from 47 major industrial facilities in Harris County and assesses the associated health impacts. The findings reveal a correlation between elevated levels of air pollution (specifically PM2.5, SO2, and NOx) and adverse health outcomes, including excess mortality and asthma hospitalizations.

Particularly noteworthy is that the zip codes located in and neighboring the top emitting facilities, comprised primarily of people of color, experienced the highest concentrations of these pollutants and recorded the highest excess mortality rates.

During the virtual session, a distinguished panel of health and air pollution experts will lead a discussion on the inequitable health effects of industrial emissions in Harris County, the impact on childhood asthma and premature death, and strategies that healthcare providers can use to educate and care for people exposed to air pollution.

WHEN: Thursday, December 7, from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

WHERE: ZOOM (Registration required). Register HERE.

WHO: Air Alliance Houston
Speakers and Panelists:

  • Modeling 101: Chad Milando, MS, PhD Research Scientist, Boston University School of Public Health
  • Findings from the Air Alliance Houston Report: Anthony D’Souza (he/him) Research & Policy Coordinator, Air Alliance Houston
  • Patient perspective: Erandi Treviño (she/her/ella) Organizer of the Healthy Port Communities Coalition
  • Provider perspective: Brett Perkison, MD, MPH (he/him) Assistant Professor, UT School of Public Health
  • Focus on Asthma: Edwin Paul (he/him) Public Health Educator; Asthma Control and Prevention Program at Houston Health Department


Air Alliance Houston is a non-profit organization working to reduce the public health impacts of air pollution and advance environmental justice through applied research, education, and advocacy. For more information and resources, please visit

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