The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has scheduled a public hearing for next Tuesday, February 22 regarding the cancer risk value for Ethylene Oxide (EtO).
Register to speak at the February 22 hearing by midnight Wednesday, February 16:
As part of the Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing (MON) rulemaking, EPA has proposed to reaffirm the use of their more protective cancer risk value for EtO and to deny the American Chemistry Council and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s (TCEQ) requests to continue using a far weaker value issued by the TCEQ. Join us in providing comments in support of the EPA reaffirming their more protective value.
EPA’s own analysis of the risks formally acknowledges what Texas and Louisiana communities have long suspected: EtO is a cancer-causing chemical. Texas and Louisiana have some of the top (EtO) emitting facilities in the country. The risk to nearby communities, many of which are already overburdened with other pollution, is unacceptable.
Following their Journey to Justice tour to the Gulf Coast, EPA is finally taking strong action to protect communities. Now is the time to organize to give EPA the public support they need to keep doing their job.
At the hearing, industry representatives will most likely present challenges to the EPA’s proposal. Tell them that you agree with EPA: communities must be protected from cancer-causing pollution.
Join your fellow community members in supporting the EPA’s strong action to protect Gulf communities by sharing your concerns on the 22nd.
You will be able to select your preferred time slot to speak in the registration form.
Talking Points on the Ethylene Oxide Rule
- EtO harms the health of community members along the Houston Ship Channel, and the cancer risks we face are unacceptable.
- The EPA’s proposed rule stands with science that better protects communities from the health hazards associated with EtO, a cancer-causing chemical.
- Texas and Louisiana are hard hit by EtO pollution – we need the support of the federal government to ensure that our communities can be healthy.
- Strong EtO protections help protect people of color who are more often exposed to harmful pollution.
For assistance with drafting your comments, please don’t hesitate to contact AAH’s Stephany Mgbadigha at [email protected]
Further Information and Previous Advocacy Involving Ethylene Oxide
- AAH’s Statement On EPA’s Announcement To Pursue Environmental Justice After Visit To Gulf Coast
- Ethylene Oxide: EPA Meeting Update
- Organizations pressure EPA, TCEQ, and other Region 6 state agencies to inform communities about increased risk of cancer from ethylene oxide
- What is ethylene oxide?
- Ethylene Oxide
- The Most Detailed Map of Cancer-Causing Industrial Air Pollution in the U.S.