
ITC Seeks Renewal of Federal Operating Permit – Public Hearing Dec. 9

The Intercontinental Terminals Company (ITC) responsible for the weeks-long series of catastrophic storage tank fires and toxic air emissions in 2019 in Deer Park has applied for a renewal of their federal general operating permit to authorize the continued operation of their Pasadena Terminal (1030 Ethyl Road, 77503). The permit is issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), but the EPA has delegated the decision to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). 

A public hearing will be held to address questions and concerns from the public. This is your chance to let the TCEQ and ITC know how the operational negligence of ITC has affected you, your family, and your community and what the TCEQ and EPA should do to hold them accountable.

When: December 9 at 7 PM

Where: Online

How to join:

  •, ID# 262-734-523. 
  • To participate by phone: call (512) 239-1201 at least one day prior to the hearing to register for the hearing and for assistance in accessing the hearing and participating telephonically.
  • Members of the public who wish to only listen to the hearing may call, toll free, (562) 247-8422 and enter access code 854-821-323.
  • Las personas que deseen escuchar o participar en la reunión en español pueden llamar al 844-368-7161 e ingresar el código de acceso 904535#.
  • Para obtener más información o asistencia, comuníquese con Jaime Fernández al (512) 239- 2566.

Find the hearing notice and comment instructions HERE

The permit codifies the conditions under which the site must operate for the next five years. Before approval, TCEQ must transparently ensure that ITC strictly adheres to environmental laws intended to protect the public AND that measures are in place that prevent an incident similar to the Deer Park explosion from occurring at the Pasadena site.

We will urge the TCEQ to deny ITC’s permit renewal until or unless ITC addresses community concerns regarding safety and public health. We urge you to submit your own comments and sign up to speak.

The TCEQ has long had an issue with transparent public communication and engagement regarding their regulatory activities. Many industrial facility operations present significant risk to community health and safety while few community members are aware of the impacts and of their opportunity to participate in the environmental decision-making process. The 2019 ITC disaster (which is still under investigation) has demonstrated the consequences of an opaque environmental decision-making process that excludes the engagement and participation of affected communities.

We know that it is no easy task to continue to show up to these hearings as TCEQ makes the attendance and comment process difficult, especially for those who have limited time or speak a different language. Your comments are invaluable to these hearings and we urge you to add your voice and experiences to ours against this permit renewal. By collectively raising our voices, we can highlight the ongoing injustices and show TCEQ and our policymakers that these issues matter to communities.

Please make plans to attend this important public hearing and add your comments and concerns about ITC to the public record. Do not be intimidated by the bureaucratic procedural process or the technically dense language of the permitting process. Add your voice, share your perspective, and help us hold polluters accountable.

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