Have your say in regional transportation planning!

Attend upcoming H-GAC public meetings on the long-range Regional Transportation Plan to demand from our regional leadership a sustainable transportation system.

Fort Bend County
November 14, 2022
6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Harris County
November 17, 2022
6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m

The Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) is the regional organization through which our local governments consider issues and cooperate in solving area-wide problems. This region holds Houston and Harris County as the regional seat, and includes a number of the surrounding counties and small cities. One of the primary functions of the H-GAC is to steward the planning and funding process for transportation projects in the region. Any transportation project in the region that receives federal funding must go through the H-GAC planning process.

The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is the Houston-Galveston Area Council’s long-range transportation plan. It is both a values document that sets out the regional goals for transportation infrastructure, as well as a planning document that includes major projects in our region set to take place over the next 25 years. In 2020, H-GAC adopted the 2045 RTP (2045 being the bookend of the 25 year planning period). 

Currently, H-GAC is conducting public outreach to update planning and investment priorities within the 2045 RTP, partially as a response to the increase of funding to the region following the passage of major federal legislation.

The 2045 RTP update is an excellent opportunity to demand accessible, sustainable multimodal transportation in our region. Through this update, members of the public can express their need for improved public transit, pedestrian, and bicycle infrastructure. It is also an opportunity to demand our regional leaders prioritize accessibility, resiliency, and sustainability in transportation planning. 

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